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moot joins Google

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-03-07 20:20:43

Christopher "moot" Poole, best known as the founder of 4chan, announced [] that he has joined Google.

Today I’m excited to announce that I’ve joined Google.

When meeting with current and former Googlers, I continually find myself drawn to their intelligence, passion, and enthusiasm — as well as a universal desire to share it with others. I’m also impressed by Google’s commitment to enabling these same talented people to tackle some of the world’s most interesting and important problems.

The news was later confirmed in a tweet [] by Bradley Horowitz, who is VP Streams, Photos and Sharing at Google. It is currently unknown what position Poole will take within the company.

(note to editor: both '4chan' and 'moot' should remain capitalized as such)

Original Submission