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"Let's Encrypt" Has Issued 1 Million Certificates

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-03-08 18:02:19

The Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority has issued its millionth certificate []:

At 9:04am GMT today, the Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority issued its millionth certificate []. This is an amazing success, coming only 3 months and 5 days since a beta version of the service became publicly available. We're very excited to be building a more secure and fully encrypted future for the World Wide Web.

A million certificates is in itself pretty good progress. But a single certificate can cover multiple domain names [], and the million certificates Let's Encrypt has issued are actually valid for 2.5 million fully-qualified domain names [], over 90% of which had never been reachable by browser-valid HTTPS before.

[...] EFF co-founded the Let's Encrypt CA with Mozilla and researchers from the University of Michigan. Akamai and Cisco provided significant financial support for the launch, and many other organizations [] have stepped up to sponsor the project [] since launch. If you'd like to help, you can donate to EFF [] or ISRG [], or if you're a coder, help us to improve the server [] or client software [].

Also at Tom's Hardware [].

Original Submission