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Doctor Who may have been right. Time is a bit wibbly wobbly.

Accepted submission by devlux at 2016-03-09 01:52:30

It appears that the good Dr's famous quote, "Time is a bit wibbly wobbly..." may be correct.

In a paper published in the prestigious journal, "Proceedings of the Royal Society" , Associate Professor Joan Vaccaro challenges the long-held presumption that time evolution — the incessant unfolding of the universe over time – is an elemental part of Nature.

In Quantum asymmetry between time and space, she suggests there may be a deeper origin due to a difference between the two directions of time: to the future and to the past.

The original article is here []

The implication here is that time resonates at least at the smallest levels. This is similar to quantum superpositioning, wherein an object can be said to be in multiple states at once. Put another way, it appears that at least at the smallest levels that the future effects the past.

What do you guys think? Does the future really leak into the past? Or is this just some strange artifact of the math used to describe the problem?

Original Submission