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DARPA to interconnect neurons with electronics at high speed

Accepted submission by bitstream at 2016-03-10 23:04:40

The U.S. military is spending millions of dollars on an advanced implant to enable the human brain to communicate directly with computers. If successful, cyborgs will be a reality. The goal is to "open the channel between the human brain and modern electronics []" according to DARPA's program manager, Phillip Alvelda. In January 2016, DARPA announced it plans to spend up to 62 million USD on the project, which is part of its Neural Engineering System Design program. DARPA states that the implant would be smaller than one cm³. The aim according to DARPA is to connect neurons in the brain with electronic signals and provide an unprecedented "data-transfer bandwidth between the human brain and the digital world,". DARPA sees the implant as a foundation for new therapies that could help people with deficits like sight or hearing by "feeding digital auditory or visual information into the brain." A DARPA spokesman told CNN that the program is not intended for military applications.

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