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Infinite asynchronous play-by-IRC rock/paper/scissors game on SoylentNews IRC

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-03-11 09:32:53

Join #soylent @ [] to play some asynchronous rock/paper/scissors with other SoylentNews lurkers and staff.

The bot named 'exec' is hosted by one of our trustworthy editors and includes the '~rps' command to play.

Outputs syntax and online help link.

~rps r
Adds rock to your account's sequence.

~rps p
Adds paper to your account's sequence.

~rps s
Adds scissors to your account's sequence.

~rps rank
Outputs current ranking to []

You can also submit multiple turns in one command, which is useful if you're a new player. Example:
~rps rrrrpsrpsrpssspssr
The script will trim the sequence to the current maximum sequence length of all players, plus one (to gradually advance the available turns).

There is also a random delay requirement between turns, so you can try playing with a bot but you will need to allow for this mandatory delay.

You can play from any channel that 'exec' is currently in, or private message the bot to hide your sequence from prying eyes.

Players are tied to NickServ accounts, so to play you must register with NickServ. This is easy to do and most IRC clients can automagically identify for you with minimal fuss. This is to keep your game from being manipulated when you're offline.

Ranking is based on a handicap that balances the number of wins with the number of turns played. This is so that a new player who gets a win doesn't secure top spot just because they have a 100% win rate.

When you hop on IRC to play, be sure to say 'hi'. We don't bite... much :p

The script is certainly not perfect and is gradually evolving, but it has reached a point where I think it is at least stable enough to enjoy. There are also lots of other asynchronous rock, paper, scissors games out there on the interwebs.
Check out the source code for the IRC bot game script here if you're curious or would like to contribute: []

Original Submission