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Time for Microsoft to Join the OIN already?

Accepted submission by canopic jug at 2016-03-11 12:01:47
Simon Phipps comments on Microsoft's latest antics in regards to open source []. Specifically, while the public is distracted by show, Microsoft is shaking down the Android/Linux and GNU/Linux communities for patent licenses. Phipps asserts that it’s time for them to put up or shut up by either joining the OIN [] or admitting that they can’t be trusted in the open source community they now claim to love. Roy Schestowitz has some harsher words on the same topic [], noting that the media is ignoring malicious actions in favor of paying attention to the public relations campaign. While the OIN cannot protect against NPE's aka patent trolls, it is created for just this kind of situation and choosing to join -- or not -- sends a very clear message about their intentions towards the community.

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