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Image Processing 101

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-03-11 14:27:06

This looked like a fun and accessible tutorial on the topic of image processing [] that might be especially appealing to Python fans.

Image processing is the process of manipulating or performing operations on images to achieve a certain effect (making an image grayscale, for example), or of getting some information out of an image with a computer (like counting the number of circles in it).

Image processing is also very closely related to computer vision, and we do blur the line between them a lot. Don’t worry too much about that – you just need to remember that we are going to learn about methods of manipulating images, and how we can use those methods to collect information about them.

In this article, I will go through some basic building blocks of image processing, and share some code and approaches to basic how-tos. All code written is in Python and uses OpenCV [], a powerful image processing and computer vision library.

Original Submission