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GNU release the Gneural Network AI software

Accepted submission by bitstream at 2016-03-13 16:16:21

The GNU free software project has released the neural network computation package "Gneural Network" []. The GNU project has been impressed by the work of Google, IBM, AlphaGo and Watson on the field of artificial intelligence. But considers the fact that only companies and labs have access to this technology can represent a threat: "First of all, we cannot know how money driven companies are going to use this novel technology. Second, this monopoly slows down Progress and Technology." This is reason, the author, Jean Michel Sellier, decided to create this software and release it with a GPL license. The current release 0.0.1, is a very simple feedforward network which can learn very simple tasks such as curve fitting, but the development team have plans for more advanced features very soon. They already work on a implementation of a network of LSTM (long short term memory) neurons for recurrent networks and deep learning and there's plans for Learning reinforcement techniques.

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