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AlphaGo Wins Game 5, Wins Challenge Match 4-1 vs. Lee Sedol

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-03-15 09:04:30

AlphaGo played a much more balanced Go [] game than Game 4. During Game 4 [], AlphaGo was forced into a situation in which it had no good moves left to play against Lee Sedol, and "went crazy" as a result. In Game 5 [], AlphaGo initially made puzzling moves in the bottom right, and useless ko threats near the middle of the game, but it played a strong endgame.

[update game 5 link above with the article version]

[add news sites, postgame quotes]

Motherboard reports that one recent casualty of AlphaGo has been the Giraffe chess engine. Giraffe creator Matthew Lai explained that he had learned too many trade secrets from his work at DeepMind [], and could not continue with the side project.

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