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Presidential candidates tech stances: not great

Accepted submission by FakeBeldin at 2016-03-16 15:52:05

How do the candidates for the presidency of the US do on technical issues?
Two companies (Tusk Ventures [] and Engine [])" rel="url2html-6967">">Engine) on startups, government and policies evaluated the candidates on
- privacy & security
- intellecutal property
- education, talent and workforce
- broadband access and infrastructure

Report: site [].
Blog post: here []

Overall conclusion:
Clinton B+
Sanders B
Cruz D
Kasich D+
Rubio C+
Trump F

There's little explanation on the methodology though. Seems to be "This candidate has said something on this once/twice/often" - not the forefront of academic rigor.
Nevertheless: I am (somewhat) curious about this. So my questions to SN:
- How would you grade the candidates on the above issues?
- What are your reasons for those grades?

Original Submission