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New York State Senator Proposes Open Source Tax Credit

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-03-19 04:15:48

In an attempt to retain and attract talent in the state, a New York state senator has proposed a tax credit for open source coders []:

A New York state senator says open-source programmers should be able to claim back part of their costs for writing free software. NY senate bill S161 [], proposed by Senator Daniel Squadron (D) and co-sponsored by Senator Ruth Hassell-Thompson (D), would allow developers to claim for 20 per cent of the out-of-pocket costs of building and sharing open-source code – although the rebate has a maximum annual benefit of only $200 per person.

"I represent the tech triangle and Williamsburg in Brooklyn, as well as areas in lower Manhattan where the technology sector has a growing presence – supporting that kind of innovation is key," Squadron told El Reg in a statement. "I've also seen the cost-saving impacts open source can have for everyday users and businesses. Incentivizing open source software can attract more open source developers, create in-state jobs, and add to the state's burgeoning technology sector."

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