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DRAM leakage side effect exploited for privilege escalation on both DD3 & DDR4

Accepted submission by bitstream at 2016-03-20 06:22:12

The high density of dynamic RAM like DDR3 and the tendency for bit cells to leak their charge has enabled a physical weakness named "Row Hammer []" that can be used for privilege escalation. Tests now show that also DDR4 memory is also susceptible to this []. The article How Rowhammer Could Be Used to Exploit Weaknesses in Computer Hardware [] (PDF), came to this conclusion by testing the integrity of dual in-line memory modules (DIMM) using new diagnostic techniques that showed that the memory type is vulnerable to "bitflipping," where bits change their value.

Mitigation can perhaps be accomplished by check sum with secret salts and physically moving around the pages responsible for privileges and memory setup?

Original Submission