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Toonz Software used by Studio Ghibli and Futurama going open source

Accepted submission by CaTfiSh at 2016-03-20 08:43:52

Claudio Mattei, Managing Director at Digital Video, the makers of TOONZ, said:

“The contract with Dwango, which offers the Toonz open source platform to the animation community, has enabled Digital Video to realize one of its strategies, i.e. to make of Toonz a world standard for 2D animation. This deal will be also the starting point of a new exciting plan to endorse the Open Source business model, by supporting training and customizing Toonz for the old and new users. We are proud to share this path with Dwango and with Studio Ghibli, the renowned Toonz user since 1995.”

-Interesting that they've decided to take this strategy with such a niche and high-end software. It should be interesting to see how it works for them.

Press release:!news/aawrs []

Original Submission