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Snowden says the leaks in 2013 were only possible with free software

Accepted submission by bitstream at 2016-03-20 21:09:08

The whistleblower at NSA, Edward Snowden spoke at the Free Software Foundation's LibrePlanet 2016 [] on the topic of free software, privacy, and security. In which he credited free software for the ability to help him disclose the U.S. government's far-reaching surveillance projects. Snowden said, "What happened in 2013 couldn't have happened without free software [],". In particularly he citing projects like Tor (onion network), Tails (a highly secure Linux distribution) and Debian (OS). "I didn't use Microsoft machines when I was in my operational phase, because I couldn't trust them,". "Not because I knew that there was a particular back door or anything like that, but because I couldn't be sure."

So keep on the FOSS..
(despite blob-bios, chipset backdoors and CPU die spy engines)

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