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Crowdfunding a global network of open source SDR receivers

Accepted submission by bitstream at 2016-03-20 23:16:23

There's a crowdfunding project to create a global network of open source, software defined (SDR) radio receivers []. This will enable anybody to scan the 0 - 30 MHz radio spectrum from the comfort of a web browser capable of HTML5. Built on top of the single computer board Beaglebone []. The "KiwiSDR" RF board includes a GPS receiver frontend that makes it possible to correlate timing between receivers giving options for projects like long baseline interferometry and lightning detection. Prototypes are already deployed and have been used by one user to RXing in Sweden, Australia and New Zealand.

The hardware [] is designed using KiCad [] is a 6-layer PCB mostly because of the difficulty to provide all the required power planes to the FPGA BGA using a 4-layer design. The frontend consist of a antenna, filter, amplifier, 14-bit A/D, 65 MHz oscillator and FPGA.
(schematic source [])

Note that is under serious load from "that site" so it loads slowly (1.5 kByte/s). Any you may need your cache-fu and perhaps link to them in the comment section.

Original Submission