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Black Boxes Damaged in Flydubai Crash

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-03-20 23:37:45

Two black boxes from the Flydubai crash near Rostov-on-Don in Russia may not yield much information due to damage []:

Aviation experts are examining two black boxes from the FlyDubai flight that crashed in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, killing all 55 passengers and seven crew on board. But officials say the cockpit voice and data recorders have been badly damaged and are unlikely to reveal much data. The FlyDubai Boeing 737-800, coming from Dubai, missed the runway as it attempted to land on Saturday.

Officials say it is not clear what caused the crash 950km south of Moscow. But poor visibility and high winds are being considered as factors. A criminal investigation has been launched into whether pilot error, a technical fault or the bad weather was the cause. [...] The black boxes are being examined by experts from Russia, the United Arab Emirates, the US and France, AP reported, because the American-made Boeing had French-manufactured engines.

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