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Fantasy Sport Gambling Sites Shut Down in New York Pending Appeals Court Case

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-03-21 23:06:38

DraftKings and FanDuel will suspend paid contests in New York [], the second biggest market for daily fantasy sports, until a hearing in their court case:

Daily fantasy sports sites DraftKings and FanDuel have agreed to suspend paid contests in New York until an appellate court hearing in September on whether the sites violate state gambling laws. The agreement, struck with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, comes as the companies are lobbying state lawmakers to pass legislation that would explicitly legalize the industry. As NPR's Joel Rose reports, New York is the second-biggest market for daily fantasy sports, after California.

Schneiderman "sued the two companies last year, arguing that they're essentially gambling operations and therefore illegal under state law," as Joel reports. "The fantasy sports companies deny that. They say they're offering games of skill, not chance."

Statements from the New York Attorney General [], DraftKings [], and FanDuel [].


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Original Submission