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How Tesla's Model 3 Could Conquer Low-End Luxury

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-03-23 13:32:08

What happens when the price of electric cars falls lower than the gasoline-powered competition? That's the question Tesla Motors Inc. wants to answer with its Model 3 [], which will carry a $35,000 price tag at its unveiling on March 31. But we don't need to wait until the Model 3 goes on sale, because Tesla already has an inexpensive electric vehicle to learn from: the Model S.

Sure, you might not think of a $70,000 sedan as cheap. The sticker price doesn't even even include the thousands in add-ons purchased by most Tesla shoppers. But within the class of competitors—premium, large-sized luxury vehicles—the Model S is a bargain. It's faster, safer, and by many measures more convenient than its fancy, gas-chugging peers. In less than four years it has become the top-selling large-luxury vehicle in the U.S., already outselling high-end options from Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi.

Reservations for the Model 3 begin March 31st [] and will cost USD $1000. Me, I couldn't think of a finer response to Middle East Terror right now than to stop buying their one product forever.

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