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Harmful Bacteria May Hide in Semen

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-03-23 13:51:17

Scientists have discovered a microbiome in the reproductive tract of male mice that harbors potentially harmful bacteria [].

Bacteria found in this specialized microbiome may pass from father to offspring, where it may lead to later disease risk, such as obesity. In fathers, some bacteria may initiate diseases, such as prostatitis, that can lead to prostate cancer.

“Microbiomes are influenced by many factors such as temperature, the pH or acidity of the environment, and whether there’s a food source to promote bacterial growth,” says Cheryl Rosenfeld, associate professor of biomedical sciences at the University of Missouri.

“The male reproductive tract includes a unique niche in which bacteria thrive, i.e. the seminal vesicles. These tubular glands produce seminal fluid, are located in an environment that is temperature controlled, and is rich in carbohydrates needed to feed bacteria. Our team set out to isolate this potential microbiome and analyze whether it could harbor harmful bacteria.”

Original study [].

Original Submission