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New SMB vulnerability "badlock" affecting Windows and Samba to be releases 4/12

Accepted submission by el_oscuro at 2016-03-23 21:53:27

According to El Reg [], Stefan Metzmacher, a Samba core developer, has discovered what sounds like a pretty bad security bug, and he says it will be patched on that day next month.

The vulnerability already has everything it needs to make a big splash: a name, Badlock; a website [], and a logo. Here's what we know from the site:

"On April 12th, 2016 a crucial security bug in Windows and Samba will be disclosed. We call it: Badlock. Engineers at Microsoft and the Samba Team are working together to get this problem fixed. Patches will be released on April 12th."

"Admins and all of you responsible for Windows or Samba server infrastructure: Mark the date. (Again: It's April 12th, 2016.) Please get yourself ready to patch all systems on this day. We are pretty sure that there will be exploits soon after we publish all relevant information."

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