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Ex-Colin Powell Aide: "Snowden Has Done a Service"

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-03-26 12:47:44
Digital Liberty

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell's chief of staff has come out in support of Edward Snowden []:

"I try to stay up with Snowden," said Lawrence "Larry" Wilkerson. "God, has he revealed a lot," he laughed. A retired Army colonel who served as the chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell in President George W. Bush's administration, Wilkerson has established himself as a prominent critic of U.S. foreign policy. He sat down with Salon for an extended interview, discussing a huge range of issues from the war in Syria to climate change, from ISIS to whistle-blower Edward Snowden, of whom Wilkerson spoke quite highly.

"I think Snowden has done a service," Wilkerson explained. "I wouldn't have had the courage, and maybe not even the intellectual capacity, to do it the way he did it." [...] Breaking with establishment political figures, Col. Wilkerson commended Snowden for his work and the way in which he carried it out. "There's a logic to what he has done that is impressive," Wilkerson told Salon. "He really has refrained from anything that was truly dangerous, with regard to our security — regardless of what people say." He has been circumspect about what he's released, how he's released it, who he's released it to,"

But has Colin Powell done a service []?

Also at The Register [].

Original Submission