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CGI Released of a Man Who Lived in Roman Britain

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-03-26 13:59:30

A museum has released a computer-generated image of a man derived from his 1,600-1,900-year-old skeleton []:

A computer-generated image of a man who lived in Roman Britain more than 1,600 years ago has gone on display. The depiction of Leasowe Man, named after the Merseyside town where he was found in 1864, is on show at the Museum of Liverpool. It said the image "raises lots of questions... about his life". Curator Liz Stewart said they were unable to ascertain his hair and eye colours but it was "most likely" he had the tones shown in the picture. The image of "Merseyside's oldest skeleton" was created by researchers at Liverpool John Moores University's Face Lab, which conducts archaeological and forensic work.

Radiocarbon dating has previously found [] that the skeleton, now on display at the Natural History Museum in London, is between 1,600 and 1,900 years old.

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