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Verizon Enterprise Solutions Data Breach Exposes 1.5 Million Customers

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-03-29 11:18:00

Verizon Enterprise Solutions, whose customers include 99% of the Fortune 500 [], has suffered a data breach. The contact details of 1.5 million customers are being offered for $100,000 []:

Earlier this week, a prominent member of a closely guarded underground cybercrime forum posted a new thread advertising the sale of a database containing the contact information on some 1.5 million customers of Verizon Enterprise.

The seller priced the entire package at $100,000, but also offered to sell it off in chunks of 100,000 records for $10,000 apiece. Buyers also were offered the option to purchase information about security vulnerabilities in Verizon's Web site.

Contacted about the posting, Verizon Enterprise told KrebsOnSecurity that the company recently identified a security flaw in its site that permitted hackers to steal customer contact information, and that it is in the process of alerting affected customers.

"Verizon recently discovered and remediated a security vulnerability on our enterprise client portal," the company said in an emailed statement. "Our investigation to date found an attacker obtained basic contact information on a number of our enterprise customers. No customer proprietary network information (CPNI) or other data was accessed or accessible."

Also at The Register [].

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