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Most Americans support torture against terror suspects - Reuters/Ipsos poll

Accepted submission by DeathMonkey at 2016-03-30 18:52:22

Nearly two-thirds of Americans believe torture can be justified to extract information from suspected terrorists, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, a level of support similar to that seen in countries like Nigeria where militant attacks are common.
The March 22-28 online poll asked respondents if torture can be justified "against suspected terrorists to obtain information about terrorism." About 25 percent said it is "often" justified while another 38 percent it is "sometimes" justified. Only 15 percent said torture should never be used.
The Reuters/Ipsos poll included 1,976 people. It has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 2.5 percentage points for the entire group and about 4 percentage points for both Democrats and Republicans.

Probably not the best methodology to support the claim of "Nearly two-thirds of Americans" but an interesting view into a potential demographic shift in the US. Or, maybe it says more about the internet...

Original Submission