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Senator Wyden Calls on Digital Rights Activists to Block Legislative Efforts to Weaken Encryption

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-03-31 04:40:23
Digital Liberty

Senator Ron Wyden spoke to RightsCon about the Crypto Wars [] following the FBI dropping its case against Apple:

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has put out a call to arms to digital rights activists, asking them to join in a SOPA-style effort to defeat upcoming efforts to weaken encryption. In a wide-ranging speech that covered J Edgar Hoover, Miranda Rights, the Founding Fathers and the Amazon Echo, the Oregon Senator warned that despite the recent decision by the FBI to drop its case against Apple, "as sure as night follows day," the issue is going to return and it will be necessary to fight legislative efforts to reduce the effectiveness of encryption.

"I will block any plan that would weaken strong encryption," he told the RightsCon [] conference in San Francisco. "The expected legislation will be a lose-lose for all of us: less security and less liberty." He also railed against the notion that the current debate over technology and encryption was a privacy versus security debate, arguing that it is more "security versus more security." Instead, Wyden said, he wanted to refocus the debate, and called for "a new compact for security and liberty in the digital age."

Also at Reuters [], The Guardian [], The Hill [].

Here is the speech [] Wyden gave at RightsCon.

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