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Wireless-powered Network Gets Its Fair Share

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-03-31 09:32:57

Calculations reveal how sensors must take turns to harvest power efficiently from a data hub [].

Algorithms that describe the most efficient ways to transmit data and power between wireless sensors and a central hub could help develop large networks of smart devices.

Interconnected wireless devices are increasingly common. For example, smart home appliances can transmit or receive data so that users can remotely control heating or lighting, while remote sensor networks can help gather environmental data such as water quality or air pollution. This burgeoning 'Internet of Things' could see billions of sensors deployed across cities, homes, offices and factories.

But many sensors rely on battery power, which can limit their use. "To change the batteries after a few years of deployment would be problematic," explains Chin Keong Ho of Singapore's Agency of Science, Technology and Research Institute for Infocomm Research. "The sensors might be dispersed throughout a city, and in certain locations, it could be impractical or dangerous to change batteries."

One alternative is to build a wireless-powered communication network (WPCN), containing sensors that can harvest energy from the radio waves transmitted by the central hub.

One word: lossy.

Original Submission