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Google April Fool's Gmail Button Sparks Backlash

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-04-01 13:31:02
/dev/random []

Google has removed an April Fool's Gmail button, which sent a comical animation to recipients, after reports of people getting into trouble at work. The button appeared beside Gmail's normal send button and allowed users to shut down an email thread by sending a gif of a Minion dropping a microphone. However, a flurry of complaints about the button appeared on Google's forums. The firm has since withdrawn the feature and apologised.

[...] The button was not enabled on the Gmail accounts of enterprise business customers. "Thanks to MicDrop I just lost my job," claimed one user on Google's product forums. "I am a writer and had a deadline to meet. I sent my articles to my boss and never heard back from her. I inadvertently sent the email using the MicDrop send button." Another complained that they had been having interviews for a job with a company for three months and then accidentally sent a mic drop email to the HR department.

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