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How Mind Controlling Parasites Spread

Accepted submission by tonyPick at 2016-04-02 08:54:23

An article at The Conversation has an interesting overview of how mind controlling parasites spread [] opening with the example of Toxoplasma gondii which is capable of infecting humans:

An increasing number of studies suggest humans known to be infected with these parasites could be more susceptible to schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, aggression and even increased suicide. Studies have even suggested you are two to three times more likely to have a car crash if your blood tests positive for the parasite. This is particularly striking when it has been predicted that 30%-50% of the worldwide population may carry the parasite.

The article discusses examples of other known mind controlling parasites in the wild, the ways in which these parasites spread and the research into the mechanisms through which parasites can manipulate host behaviour.

Original Submission