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Let's get into fiscal

Accepted submission by c0lo at 2016-04-03 05:35:55

== From the pronunciation-legislated-dept ==

River Front Times was the first to report [] on the "biggest jerk" [] in Missouri legislature, Rep. Tracy McCreery.

A state rep from St. Louis, unable to take it any longer, has filed a resolution asking her colleagues in the House of Representatives to please, please stop using the word “physical” when talking about Missouri’s fiscal needs.

“Whereas, on occasion, members of the Missouri House of Representatives have used the word ‘physical’ instead of ‘fiscal’ when referring to fiscal matters including, but not limited to, fiscal review and fiscal notes…” begins House Resolution 1220 [], offered by Rep. Tracy McCreery.

The not-so-subtle prod has begun making the rounds on social media, and lots of people are having a good laugh, but McCreery tells the Riverfront Times she didn’t push the resolution as a joke.

“I did it because I hit a wall,” she says in a phone interview.

The sound of lawmakers screwing up even basic terms as they debate critical financial decisions has become like “nails on a chalkboard” to McCreery and a few of her grammatically sound colleagues.
And, no, she’s not naming names, despite our urging. Nobody has publicly taken offense yet, which is understandable — Who wants to admit to being an idiot?

McCreery is hoping the resolution serves as a “gentle nudge” to her colleagues in the chamber to take a little more care with their words.

We laugh until we cry.

Back to you, aristarchus.

Original Submission