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Brake-by-wire coming to the market soon

Accepted submission by at 2016-04-04 00:31:38

Brake-by-wire is coming to a light truck in a couple of years. This means no more pedal actuated hydraulic master cylinder and vacuum booster -- all replaced by an integrated unit that looks like the ABS "pump". The brake pedal will be fitted with a sensor and no direct mechanical or hydraulic connection to the vehicle brakes. Initially the price is higher than the equivalent standard system, but with volume the cost is expected to come to parity in 10 years or less. At that point, it will probably be fitted to many models of car and tied into driver assist / autonomous systems.

We've already seen problems with throttle-by-wire (for one, the Toyota unintended acceleration recall). Giving up a direct link to the brakes doesn't give me a good feeling. I kept my last car for 20 years and it finally died from salt corrosion (NE USA), but the good old hydraulic brakes always worked fine. The old, non-ABS brakes (antilock brake system) also let me lock the wheels when necessary to stop on slush and gravel, deformable surfaces where ABS typically prevents the car from slowing down as quickly as a locked-wheel stop.

Article here (print version, missing the lead photo on the multi-page original link) []


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