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France Unveils the Source Code of Its Income Tax Application

Accepted submission by -- OriginalOwner_ at 2016-04-04 07:43:45

from the would-neoliberals-ever-approve-a-foss-turbotax? dept.

The European Union's interoperability page reports []

France has officially opened the source code of the fiscal calculator used by the French fiscal administration to calculate the income taxes of individuals in France. Taxes for businesses are not included in the code.

The tax calculator code source is now freely accessible on the Framesoft's GitLab platform [][1] and duplicated on GitHub. The OpenFisca Team, which supports the software on, developed modules to help developers use the applications, Emmanuel Raviart, from Etalab, in charge of the open data strategy in France, said.

"Transparency is necessary to enhance trust in [the] fiscal system", Michel Sapin, Ministry of Finance said. The hackaton [sic] should be used to develop services "which strengthen trust between citizens and taxes", he added. For him, income tax in France is complex in terms of "citizens personalization". Opening the tax calculator intends also to help people better understand how taxes are calculated.

Axelle Lemaire, Secretary of State in charge of Digital affairs, said that opening the tax calculator is [...] "progress" in transparency and innovation.

[1] En Francés

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