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U.S. DoD Security Clearance Total Shrinks by 900,000 in 3 Years

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-04-06 19:59:23

As the United States Department of Defense increases surveillance of its workforce as part of an "Insider Threat" program, it will at least have less of the internal enemy to worry about []:

The total number of employees and contractors holding security clearances for access to classified information at the Department of Defense dropped by a hefty 900,000 between 2013 and 2016 — or 20% of the total cleared population at DoD. At the start of the current Fiscal Year, DoD had a remaining 3.7 million cleared personnel.

These data were presented in the latest quarterly report on Insider Threat and Security Clearance Reform [], 1st quarter, FY 2016, published last month.

Importantly, this was a policy choice, not simply a budgetary artifact or a statistical fluke. A reduction in security clearances is a wholesome development, since it lowers costs and permits more focused use of security resources. It also increases pressure, at least implicitly, to eliminate unnecessary security classification restrictions.

Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper has urged other agencies to "overhaul" the classification system []:

Clapper asked for feasibility studies on reducing the number of IC Original Classification Authorities, on the utility of an IC-wide classification guide, on the elimination of the Confidential classification in the IC, and on a new initiative to promote discretionary declassification actions.

[...] The history of secrecy reform in the U.S. government demonstrates that it is most effective — or that it is only effective — when it is driven by senior agency leadership. Not since Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary's "openness initiative" in the 1990s has an agency head endorsed secrecy reform with the specificity and authority expressed by DNI Clapper.

Original Submission