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What is your data worth? A lot of you're a Republican convention delegate...

Accepted submission by bob_super at 2016-04-07 23:54:03

The LA Times [] reports on the Republican candidates' campaigns being offered all kinds of tech services to manage the upcoming brokered convention. The delegates from each state usually have their first vote mandated by laws, but if nobody wins the first round, everyone wants to know how to sway the next round.
In comes Big Data:

More than 2,400 delegates could ultimately end up coming up for grabs on the convention floor if no candidate clinches the nomination after the initial balloting. Some may already have revealed on their Facebook pages that they were fans of Terminator movies. So a call from Arnold Schwarzenegger could be the nudge that wins them over. Or perhaps they are gun enthusiasts, in which case they might be awed by a convention floor chat with Wayne LaPierre, president of the National Rifle Assn.
Cambridge Analytica claims to have developed a “psychographic” profile of every one of the delegates chosen so far. Such profiles, which are rooted in reams of consumer and personal background data acquired by the company, put people into such categories as “stoic traditionalist” or “extroverted leader” and are already being used to target voters.

And in case you thought candidates' statements and positions would be a prime driver of a presidential candidate designation:

There are also more nuts-and-bolts considerations for campaigns -- knowing where any particular delegate stands at any particular moment, for example.
“Speed is going to kill when votes are taken, and the campaign that can best use data quickly will have a huge advantage,” said Mark Stephenson, who was Scott Walker’s chief data officer during the Wisconsin governor's short-lived presidential campaign.
“You have to be able to persuade people fast, with that data at your fingertips. Technology enables you to be relevant when you are talking to your targets,” he said.

In a race that started with over 15 candidates, and consumed hundreds of millions of dollars, the winner could be the one whose intern finds the right guy in the 2nd floor bathroom to take a call from Arnold. Maybe it's a skill presidents do need, to avoid WWIII.

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