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FBI's IPhone hack only works on 5C's and older.

Accepted submission by fleg at 2016-04-08 03:04:54

The Guardian [] is reporting that the hack on the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone 5C will not work on newer iPhones.

The FBI director confirmed that the hack works on the iPhone 5C and older Apple smartphones, but not newer models with a fingerprint sensor. This is probably because older phones lack the so-called secure enclave, which protects passcodes, security keys and handles the security of the phone’s encryption system.

Comey confirmed that the FBI bought a tool from a third party, negating the need to continue its legal action against Apple. But the FBI has yet to disclose publicly how the hack that unlocked the iPhone 5C works, despite informing senators about it.

Comey said: “We’re having discussions within government about it … if we tell Apple they’re going to fix it and we’re back to where we started.”

The FBI director ended by reassuring everyone...

Comey wouldn’t comment on who the company or persons the hack was purchased from. He would only say that “their motivations align with ours” and that the FBI and the hack provider were “very good at keeping secrets”.

Original Submission