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Red-crowned Parrots Find Sanctuary in US Cities As Mexican Cousins Struggle

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2016-04-08 13:17:26

US researchers are launching studies on Mexico's red-crowned parrot [] — a species that has been adapting so well to living in cities in California and Texas after escaping from the pet trade that the population may now rival that in its native country.

The research comes amid debate over whether some of the birds flew across the border into Texas and should be listed under the Endangered Species Act.

Parrots in U.S. urban areas are just starting to draw attention from scientists because of their intelligence, resourcefulness and ability to adapt. There is also a growing realization that the city dwellers may offer a population that could help save certain species from extinction.

Red-crowned parrots aren't alone. In Brooklyn, for example, there are large colonies of monk parrots, some of whom enjoy pizza [].

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