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Boston Globe Publishes Parody Front Page of Trump Presidency

Accepted submission by at 2016-04-11 12:29:45
The NYT reports that the Boston Globe has published a parody front page that offers a satirical view of a Donald Trump presidency []. The fake page, with headlines like “Deportations to Begin” and “Markets Sink as Trade War Looms,” ran as the front page of the newspaper’s “Ideas” section [], with an editorial denouncing Mr. Trump’s candidacy on the next page. The spoof, says the editorial, was intended to take Mr. Trump’s rhetoric and his policy positions to their “logical conclusion.” A top story on the page opens with the paragraph: “Worldwide stocks plunged again Friday, completing the worst month on record as trade wars with both China and Mexico seem imminent.” The page includes other headlines from a supposed Trump presidency, including “US soldiers refuse orders to kill ISIS families,” [] and “New libel law targets ‘absolute scum’ in press.” The mock Trump page was conceived and executed by the Globe’s editorial writers, columnists and commentary editors, who make up the newspaper’s editorial board, said Ellen Clegg, who added that the front-page parody “does not involve our newsroom.” Trump criticized the paper’s satirical stories for being “totally dishonest.” “The whole front page is a make-believe story [], which is really no different from the whole paper, the whole thing. I mean the whole thing is made up,” said Trump. “And I think they’re having a big backlash on that one.”

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