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National popular vote far better than Electoral College system for choosing presidents

Accepted submission by AnonTechie at 2016-04-11 12:45:11

Stanford professors say: The Electoral College distorts presidential campaigns, disenfranchises voters and drives partisanship. They suggest constitutional reforms to adopt a single national popular vote where the one-person, one-vote concept applies.

The Electoral College is responsible for disenfranchising, in effect, huge swaths of American voters, said Doug McAdam, a professor of sociology who studies American politics. A single national popular or "constituency" vote would determine the president based on who won the most votes total across the country. Otherwise, McAdam said, "The great majority of American voters exercise no real political voice in the outcome of presidential elections."

The origins of the Electoral College, Brady said, date back to the Constitutional Convention, when the big states put forward a plan favoring them and the smaller states countered with their own plan. "The resulting compromise gave us the mal-apportioned Senate and the Electoral College, where a state gets the number of representatives plus the two senators," Brady said. []

[Also Covered By]: Popular vote better than Electoral College, Stanford scholars say []

What do Soylentils think? Should the present election system be changed to one-person, one-vote system?

Original Submission