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Verizon Plans $300 Million Fiber Optic Expansion in Boston

Accepted submission by takyon at 2016-04-13 05:47:43

Verizon has announced that it will spend $300 million to replace copper cables with fiber optics in Boston [], as well as expand Internet access and install "smart city" sensors:

Verizon and the city of Boston today announced a $300 million fiber optic cable replacement of copper cable throughout the city over the next six years. The project will increase Internet speeds and help Boston, which has 650,000 residents, expand broadband as part of its priority to ensure every resident has Internet access, Mayor Marty Walsh said in a statement on Tuesday. Business, schools, hospitals and libraries will also be connected.

Smart city elements will be added as well, including a trial project to reduce traffic congestion along Massachusetts Avenue. The city and Verizon will partner to experiment with sensors and advanced traffic signal technology to increase safety, measure bike traffic and improve public transit vehicle flow. Future smart city apps could include sensors for environmental conditions, energy efficiency and city lighting management. Verizon will also attach wireless equipment to city street lights and utility poles to boost wireless service for residents.

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