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Yet another evidence that the Lipid Hypothesis was faked

Accepted submission by legont at 2016-04-13 18:25:29

Haffington Post reports: []

Never-published data on vegetable oil and heart health reveals some disturbing trends.

A new analysis of never-before-published trial data from the 1960s and '70s pokes holes at the notion that we can stave off heart attack and stroke by eating more polyunsaturated fat (the "healthy" kind). Instead, it suggests that some people who eat more of this fat from vegetable and and seed oils -- specifically, those that are high in omega-6 fatty acids — actually have a higher risk of death than those who have a diet high in saturated fat.
The study's findings were never published in full, perhaps because they went against the emerging and increasingly popular hypothesis that saturated fat in foods like red meat and dairy causes cholesterol levels in blood to rise, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and death.

I personally believe that it was done because vegetable based food is cheaper and it is impossible to feed the population on healthy meat. In short - Malthus's collapse. []

Original Submission