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President Obama to Get Advance Episodes of Game of Thrones

Accepted submission by at 2016-04-13 18:28:49
James Hibberd reports at EW that showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss have confirmed that Barack Obama wanted – and will get – episodes of their ultra-secret show ahead of their debut on HBO []. “When the commander-in-chief says, ‘I want to see advanced episodes,’ what are you gonna do?” says Benioff. HBO is remaining mum on the subject, but if Obama gets advanced copies, he’s the only person outside of HBO to do so. In an unprecedented move, HBO decided not to send any screeners to journalists or industry insiders. The move was to maintain the secrecy of the show’s season 6 storylines, which are expanding beyond the scope of author George R.R. Martin’s novels for the first time. Obama has said that GOT is one of his favorite shows [] and has expressed concern about the fate of the Night’s Watch Lord Commander. “Three weeks ago, I was the in the company of the President of the United States. He turned to me, put his hand on my shoulder, and said, ‘You didn’t kill Jon Snow did you?’” [] said GOT director David Nutter: Nutter's reply: “ ‘Jon Snow is deader than dead.” Obama also revealed that like many of us, he has trouble keeping track of the names of the many characters []. Asked which character he most identifies with, Obama said he related to "the dwarf...what's his name?"

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