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Paramount: We Own the Klingon Language

Accepted submission by The Mighty Buzzard at 2016-04-14 10:52:03

In a move that shouldn't surprise anyone, Paramount is claiming ownership [] of all Klingon ships and the Klingon language.

The ongoing lawsuit between Paramount Pictures, CBS Studios and the crowdfunded Star Trek spin-off "Prelude to Axanar" is raising some interesting copyright questions. The spin-off makers argue that several of the Star Trek related elements they use are not copyrightable, but the movie studios clearly disagree.

klingonEarlier this year Paramount Pictures and CBS Studios filed a lawsuit against the makers of the Star Trek inspired fan film, accusing [] them of copyright infringement.

The dispute centers around the well-received short film Star Trek: Prelude to Axanar [] and the planned follow-up feature film Anaxar.

Among other things, the Star Trek rightsholders claim ownership over various Star Trek related settings, characters, species, clothing, colors, shapes, words, short phrases and even the Klingon language.

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That'd be "verengan toDSaH Hutlh batlh" for them of you without plqaD glyphs in your font.

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