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Pale Moon maintainer reveals Mozilla attacker

Rejected submission by Fossabouteverything at 2016-04-16 10:33:38

Some update to the conflict between Mozilla and Palemoon.

The maintainer of the Palemoon project seems to be willing to give away at least the name of the developer in question which was responsible for the - claimed - attack:

"The "desk jockey trying to save his job" (your words, not ours) was nobody less than Al Billings. I don't think his job is in any danger. I'm not sure if you should bother him with questions to verify what has been discussed in private between us but you're free to do so. I just don't see it as good form to publicly post our e-mail conversation.
And FTR, I can really do without something like this so I wouldn't post it unless there was a reason. We don't need any posts to "cry for negative attention".

But of course anyone is free to continue to think I would pull this out of my hat."

Found here: []

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