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Android antitrust

Accepted submission by Absolutely.Geek at 2016-04-21 00:06:45
From ExtremeTech [] and the European Commission [] The EU is complaining that

manufacturers that opt to license Android and get the Google apps cannot then also build their own version of Android for devices — known as an Android fork.

Google is countering with

allowing forks could cause people to buy incompatible Android devices without realizing it. If you had a Samsung Android phone before and you buy another one, you’d expect it to work with all your apps and services. If Samsung were allowed to sell both standard Android and Android fork devices, you could end up with a phone that doesn’t work the way you thought it would. Google certification ensures that Android devices sold to consumers work correctly.

What does the Soylent community think? Is Google in a precarious position here? Android fragmentation is a massive issue, one that manufacturers seem unwilling to address; if Google is found to be in breach of the rules here will this lead to more fragmentation or the status quo?

Original Submission