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The Average Size of a Web Page is (Almost) the same as a Doom Install Image

Accepted submission by tonyPick at 2016-04-23 05:01:00

According to an article at Mobiforge the average size of web page is now (roughly) the same as a Doom install image []:

Recall that Doom is a multi-level first person shooter that ships with an advanced 3D rendering engine and multiple levels, each comprised of maps, sprites and sound effects. By comparison, 2016’s web struggles to deliver a page of web content in the same size. If that doesn’t give you pause you’re missing something.

Doom, id software's classic first person shooter from 1993 [], has an install image size of 2393kB for the shareware MS-DOS version [].

The article uses the information from The HTTP Archive [] on page sizes which shows an average size of 2301 kB for April of 2016, only 92kB smaller, and sizes are still increasing.

Originally seen at Hackernews [] and also at The Register []

Original Submission