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Sea Floor off Greenland Remapped

Accepted submission by butthurt at 2016-04-23 05:40:24

The Orange County Register reports [] on an ongoing survey of the sea floor around Greenland.

The authors of Bathymetry data reveal glaciers vulnerable to ice-ocean interaction in Uummannaq and Vaigat glacial fjords, west Greenland [] (full article paywalled) measured "seafloor depths 100–1000 m deeper than in existing charts." They explain that, near Greenland, salty 2.5°C water lies beneath 1°C water with a lesser concentration of salt. Hence glaciers in deep water are likely to melt more, due to contact with warm sea water, than those in shallow water.

further information:
Oceans Melting Greenland portal []
UC Irvine press release []
UC Irvine Magazine essay []

related stories:
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Original Submission