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Comcast Raises Data Cap to 1 TB Per Month

Accepted submission by Celestial at 2016-04-27 21:30:03

Comcast, the largest ISP in the U.S.A., will raise its Internet data cap to 1 terabyte [] by June 2016.

As the world changes and the Internet evolves, so do we. That’s why we are making a major change to our Internet data trials and moving to a terabyte data plan in all of our trial markets.

A terabyte is an enormous amount of data. It’s far more than most of our customers will ever use in a month. Today, more than 99 percent of our customers do not come close to using a terabyte. Our typical customer uses only about 60 gigabytes of data in a month – that’s far less than a terabyte (in fact, 940 gigabytes less), or less than six percent of a terabyte.

For those that want or need more than a terabyte of data per month, you will be able to pay Comcast an additional $50 per month for unlimited data.

On a personal note, I checked my data usage between April 1st and April 25th, and I used approximately 470 GBs. That's with a household of three people, one of whom barely uses the Internet at all.

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