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Game Over For Team Clinton

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-05-28 09:53:02

Security analyst and historian John Schindler writes at: The Observer []:

"This isn't a right-wing conspiracy—the FBI will unravel it all"

"That Ms. Clinton and her senior staff misused email during her tenure as secretary of state has long been crystal-clear. Refusing to use government email for government work was a violation of policy, while Team Clinton’s routing of said emails through a private server, then putting classified information on it—including above top secret information from the Intelligence Community—looks like a violation of several federal laws."

"That all fell apart yesterday with the release of the long-anticipated State Department Inspector General’s special report on how Foggy Bottom handles email records and cybersecurity. A shoe has dropped for Team Clinton—a very big shoe—and there will be no going back now."

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