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PET Scans may Help Predict Recovery from Vegetative State

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2016-05-30 02:00:34

A new application of a common clinical test, the positron emission tomography (PET) scan, seems to be able to differentiate between minimally conscious brains and those in a vegetative state. The work could help doctors figure out which brain trauma patients are the most likely to recover

[...] In a 1-year follow up, eight out of 11 patients whose PET scans showed 41% of normal activity or more (between unresponsive wakefulness and minimal consciousness) had regained consciousness, and the PET scan test predicted 88% of all outcomes correctly.

TFA reminds me that I still need to fill out an advance medical directive.
Any of you figure out when/if the plug should be pulled for you and will your wishes be acted upon if the situation arises? []

Original Submission