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Donald Trump Speaks on Energy Policy

Accepted submission by butthurt at 2016-05-30 23:53:06

U.S. presidential candidate Donald J. Trump gave the keynote address at the 24th Annual Williston Basin [] Petroleum Conference in Bismarck, North Dakota on 26 May. In the speech and the preceding press conference, he outlined his plans for the energy sector, saying that, as president, he would:

  • "save the coal industry"
  • "cancel the Paris climate agreement [...] and stop all payments of the United States tax dollars to U.N. global warming programs"
  • invite TransCanada to reapply for permission to construct the Keystone XL oil pipeline, provided it offers "a better deal" including "a piece of the profits"
  • be inclined toward approval of other pipelines
  • favour increased extraction of fossil fuels from public lands
  • "accomplish a complete American energy independence"
  • revoke executive action memos issued by the Obama administration
  • "work with conservationists whose only agenda is protecting nature"
  • "solve real environmental problems in our communities, like the need for clean and safe drinking water"

He has consulted North Dakota Representative Kevin Cramer [], a Republican, regarding energy.

A video [] of the press conference and speech is available.


In related news [], Trump International Golf Links Ireland had told residents of County Clare []

Predicted sea level rise and more frequent storm events will increase the rate of erosion throughout the 21st century.

in connection with a proposed seawall that would protect a golf course owned by the company.

Original Submission