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Rebuilding a Classic Digital Watch

Accepted submission by tonyPick at 2016-05-31 08:08:01

Hackaday has an article on a neat reworking of a classic Casio digital watch frame []; the F-91W, originally introduced in 1991 [].

The result is a watch that tells time in binary, has a built-in compass, and with some more work will be updatable through an IR receiver that he also managed to fit in there somehow. Now he has the watch that Casio would make today, if fashion had stayed stuck firmly in the early 1990s. (Or not. Apparently, Casio still makes and sells the F-91W. Who knew?)

Anyway, back to an epic and pointless hack. Have a look at the tiny, tiny board that [Lukas] made. Marvel in the fact that he drove the original LCD screen. Dig the custom Kicad parts that match the watch’s originals. To get an accurate fit for the case, [Lukas] desoldered the piezo buzzer contact and put the board onto a scanner, which is a great trick when you need to get accurate dimensions. It’s all there, and well-documented, in his GitHub, linked above.

A really awesome piece of work, although it probably wouldn't be a good idea to wear it at the airport []...

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